What is Java?
Java is developed and created by John Gosling in 1995 in Sun Microsystem, Java language is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language. It was developed to follow the WORA( Write Once Run Anywhere), which means compiled Java code can run on any platform that supports java without the need for recompilation.
In mobile development, java offers various applications. It is used for developing desktop applications, web servers and application servers, games, and databases. Also, it supports embedded systems applications.
Why learn Java language?
It is selected by most developers for their projects because of the following reasons:-
Popularity and high salary package:
Java is the one of most popular and most required languages by MNCs. This language is use by 9 million developers and it runs on around 7 billion devices. The average salary of a java developer is 47,169Rs to 106,610Rs per annual.
Easy to Learn:
Java is a little bit easy to learn and can be understand in a short period as it has a syntax similar to English. You can learn java from the tutorial(video). In the video, we guide you on how to learn java and make yourself proficient in it.
Java has a big Community:
Java users range from beginner, advanced, and even expert. Also, there is a resource like projectsforeveryone if you want to get a Java project. Projectsforeveyrone is an online site that provides projects related to Java.

Powerful Development Tools:
In this article, we explain many Integrated Development Environment(IDE) in java provide various facilities for software development to programmers. Java IDE such as Netbeans, MySQL, and XAMPP, etc plays a big role in the success of java. IDE provides many solutions such as debugging, syntax error highlighting and code completion, etc that make your java code easier and faster. It is building a base for the android operating system.
Free of Cost:
There is a one reason java is most popular among individual programmers is that it is accessible under the Oracle Binary Code License (BCL) free of cost. It means that java is free for development. It is a commercial purpose and only a small fee is require.
Independent Platform:
This platform-Independent as the java source code is converted to byte code by the compiler. It can be execute on any platform using the java virtual machine. It is also known as a WORA(Write once, run anywhere)because this platform is independent.
Java is Versatile:
It is very versatile as it is use for programming applications on the web, mobile, desktop. Java has many features such as dynamic coding, multiple security features, platform, etc. that makes it versatile. This article is useful for beginners who want to create their program using java language. It does not matter if you are in school or college. You have the curiosity to learn java code.
Best Java projects for beginners
We are providing a list of Java projects with source code and database:-
Management Projects
- Amusement Park / Theme Park Ticketing System with source code
- School Management System In Java with source code
- Library Management System Project In Java with source code
- Prison Management System Project In Java With Swings And JDBC with source code
- Banking Management System Project In Java – Download with source code
- Stock Management System Project In Java – Inventory Management System with source code
- Boutique Management Software Project In Java With MySql, JDBC, And Swing with source code
- Cyber Cafe Management System Software Project In Java With MySql, JDBC, And Swing with source code
- Fashion Store / Apparel Shop Management System Project In Java Swing With Mysql with source code
- Logistics Management Project / Transport Company Software in JAVA
Booking Projects
- Movie Ticket Booking System In Java with source code
- Cab Booking – Taxi Booking Project In Java Swing With JDBC with source code
- Airline Reservation System Project In Java With MySql, JDBC, And Swing with source code
- Tourism / Travel Agency Project In Advance Java (J2EE, JSP, MySQL) with source code
Other Projects
- Billing System Project In Java In Swing – Subway with source code
- Electricity Bill Payment Java Project In Java Swing With Mysql JDBC with source code
- Gym (Health Club) Automation System Project In Java Swing, JDBC with source code
- Vaccine Project In Advance Java With Source Code (JSP) with source code
How to start a java project?
You can read it smoothly. It is more obvious than C, C++:
- Install Eclipse/Netbeans, and configure classpath.
- While learning, try to create small programs (printing on console, basic administration of numbers, to check some programs using control statements like for loop/ do-while condition, overriding) and execute it.
- After this, you can try to learn exception, Strings and apply it through the program.
- When you are execute with basic concepts and programming, you can jump to read advanced stuff like taking input from the console, collection framework, reading from a file, writing to file, sorting, and searching working ArrayList.
- You can install oracle and can read JDBC.
- This point, you take the information of some frameworks like string or hibernate and can do complex coding.

Why Java is better than other languages?
Java is an object-oriented language and it is simple and easy to write like English the best thing about java is that it is machine-independent that can be written once and run anywhere. It is a static type language that makes it faster than other programming languages.
Nowadays Java is one of the most popular programming languages, it is use to design applications that are light and fast and serve a variety of projects.
You can buy these projects from our www.projectsforeveryone.com site.
Also, you can contact us on this number:- +918283017879
In case of any doubt, Just try Once and we will not let you down.