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Difference Between Programming and Scripting language



Programming language is a set of instructions that can perform a specific output. The Scripting language is a programming language supporting scripts written just for particular runtime conditions to automate a specific function execution. Originally, programming languages were used to build Internet Explorer, PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word.

As time changed, there was an improvement in these programming language interfaces. That was the time when scripting language came into reality. Scripting language included an enhanced programming interface and other functionalities.


In simple words, a scripting language is a programming language that does not need a collection method. For example, when you run a C program you may have to run but when you run JavaScript, there is no need to compile it. The principal difference between a programming language as well as a scripting language is their run time process. Programming language uses a compiler to transform machine language into a high-level programming language.


Meaning of Programming Language:-

The Programming language is a standard language that contains a bunch of commands that provides detailed results when provided into a system.

Meaning of Scripting Language:-

A scripting language sustains scripts written just for computer programs. Scripts support a special run-time environment to automate the execution of detailed functions.

Interpretation Programming and Scripting Languages

Interpretation Programming Language:- Programming languages are created into a better-consolidated structure. They do not require to be solved by any different language.

Interpretation of Scripting Languages:- Scripting languages are written in one form and translated into other programs. For example, JavaScript has to be combined with HTML as well as will be additionally interpreted by the internet.


Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Programming Languages:- 

  • These languages are programmer-friendly languages.
  • They are simple to write.
  • It is simple to maintain and debug.
  • Easy to find an error.
  • This language results in better productivity as well as simplicity to learn.

Disadvantages of Programming Languages:-

  • Programming language takes additional time to translate the code.
  • It’s processing slower than low-level programs. 
  • This language is less memory efficient as compared to the scripting language.
  • It cannot communicate directly with the hardware. 

Advantages of Scripting Languages:- 

  • It is free and open-source.
  • It is a great way to start with programming languages. Because it is quite easy to learn as well as code.
  • Scripting language requires less memory to execute the code.
  • They are portable languages.

Disadvantages of Scripting Languages:- 

  • Scripting languages are quite slow as they demand line-by-line conversion.
  • The interpreter in scripting languages analyses per statement line by line during run time.


In this article, we deeply explain the difference between Programming languages and Scripting languages. And, we also covered the advantages and disadvantages of Programming Language and Scripting language. Hope this article was helpful for all the beginners. site
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